With projects developing day by day in Istanbul, demand for housing projects is increasing day by day. This increase with the increase in transportation and urb..
It seems the whole world will be at home on New Year's Eve 2021. This year because of the pandemic, crowded New Year's Eve parties will be replaced by parties..
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reported that the positive impact of the covid-19 measures has become clearer, and there will be a 4-day restriction on the new y..
Christmas is an annual festival celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus is celebrated. This religious holiday, celebrated every year on December 25, is als..
Here are reasons to own a home in Cyprus, which is renowned for its natural beauty, climate and booming housing market.....
Northern Cyprus has been a country that attracts people with its long and deep-rooted history and attractive architecture dating back to ancient years. In addi..