Foreign investors trust real estate agents when buying a house in Turkey

According to the research of the Association for the Promotion of Real Estate Abroad, real estate agents come first with 47.8%, websites of real estate companies with 38.8% and references with 29.3% are the most reliable sources for foreigners when buying a house.

While Russians mostly rely on real estate agents when buying a house in Turkey, Jordanians rely on reference people who do business or invest in Turkey.

The third part of the research titled "Competition and Inspiration: Rethinking the Future of Foreign Real Estate Investments in Turkey with an Export-Focus" commissioned by the AGS Global research company by the Association for the Promotion of Foreign Real Estate (GIGDER) has been published. The research was carried out with 410 international investors from 48 countries.

According to the research, Turkish real estate agents are at the top of the sources that foreign investors find the most reliable when purchasing real estate, with 47.8 percent.

This is followed by real estate companies-promotional materials websites with 38.8%, acquaintances-relatives and reference people making business or investment in Turkey with 29.3%, and social media platforms such as Youtube and Instagram with 13.7%. "How to buy real estate in Turkey?" Thematic news, blogs and research articles are in fifth place with 12 percent.

"Which research sources did you find reliable before purchasing real estate in Turkey?" According to multiple answers to the question, 38.5 percent of Saudi Arabians find Turkish real estate agents and reference persons equally reliable.

Russians 66.7 percent, British 50 percent, Germans 48 percent, Iraqi citizens 48.6 percent only Turkish real estate agents, Jordanians 44.8 percent reference people, Algerian citizens 50 percent see real estate company websites and promotional materials as reliable sources.

Iranians, on the other hand, use the websites of real estate companies, promotional materials and reference persons equally with 46.2 percent.

82.9 percent of foreigners do not encounter any problems in the real estate purchase process

According to research, "Did you carry out the deed transfer process yourself?" While 51.2 percent of the participants answered the question that they carried out the process on their own, 48.8 percent of the participants carried out the process through a real estate company, real estate agent or other consultant.

Real estate agencies rank first with 53.5 percent, followed by construction companies with 20.5 percent and lawyers with 16 percent.

While 82.9 percent of the foreigners stated that they did not encounter any problems or disruptions in the process of purchasing real estate, 17.1 percent of them reported that they encountered problems. Among these problems, real estate companies and construction companies take the lead with 41.4 percent, followed by land registry bureaucracy with 32.9 percent, language with 20 percent. These problems are followed by money transfer problems with 18.6 percent and opening a bank account with 15.7 percent.

WhatsApp is the most used, Iranians prefers face-to-face communication

According to the data, 63.7 percent of the investors purchasing real estate in Turkey contact the real estate company via WhatsApp, followed by face-to-face with 48.5 percent, e-mail with 46.8 percent and telephone with 39 percent.

These data also reveal the mixed approach in the communication of foreign investors in the real estate purchase process.

75 percent of British, 70.8 percent of Algerians, 70.4 percent of Russians, 62.2 percent of Iraqis, 61.5 percent of Saudi Arabians, 58.6 percent of Jordanians are in contact with real estate companies .

Iranians, on the other hand, mostly prefer to meet face to face with 53.8%.

"As interest in digital channels increases, physical experience still matters"

GIGDER President Akbal stated that foreigners who buy housing communicate mostly with real estate companies via WhatsApp, adding that the interest in digital channels has increased. Noting that the 'physical experience' and 'human element' are still important, Akbal said, "In addition to the fact that investors interested in the Turkish real estate market are mainly located in the MENA region, Turkish hospitality also has an effect.
